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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fast Forward to the Present...

Alcohol loses its appeal…
After reading a blog about alcohol on Like a Child’s blog, I was inspired to write my own (pretty much taken straight off of a comment I left on her blog) which reflects my current views on the topic…
As I was growing up in the church I equated drinking (along with sex, drugs, and parties) as being something that only "non-Christians" do, and while going through high school where everyone was doing all of that stuff, I was proudly declaring that, "I was NEVER going to drink alcohol."
That mentality lasted only as long as my faith did. Once that went out the door, I decided I needed to try a lot of things that I had never allowed myself to try (most of which were not good for me).
It really hasn't been that long but I think I'm pretty much over it. I went out for a friend's birthday this past weekend where I decided not to drink. It was a miserable night. Everyone was nagging on me the whole night to drink and everyone who was drunk was acting like a fool. Turns out: getting drinks spilled on my sandaled feet every 5 seconds, having loud music blaring in my ears and smoke machines burning my eyes along with all types of nasty guys groping, fondling, and grinding on me without my permission is just NOT MY CUP OF TEA afterall.
I've come to the conclusion that drinking is just not for me.
NONE of it tastes good to me. It almost always is equated with staying up way past my bedtime, leaves me feeling sick and tired the next morning and usually leads to a day of laying around doing nothing until I start to feel better...or until it's time to go to bed again. It's a waste of money and a waste of time. I have things to do, places to go, and people to see. I'd like to be awake and feeling good for it all.
Once again, I'm finding that I'm not much of a fan of alcohol...and this time it has nothing to do with Christianity.


  1. If I drank to be with stupid people, I would feel the same.

  2. Figuring out my actual preferences has been going on parallel to my faith (etc.) crisis too--trying to distinguish what I like from what I "should" like (according to Christianity or parents or school or whatever). It's surprisingly (sadly?) hard for me, but coming along, and good to get to know my true self. Although drinking I figured out was also not my cup of tea a decade ago, after a couple months of freshman year in college =)

  3. @Dave - while I still don't know exactly where I'll end up as far as my beliefs/faith/etc. I will agree with you on one thing for sure - this process of "getting to know me" (apart from other institutions/other peoples expectations or rules) has been a refreshing and enjoyable journey. Even though I sometimes had to choose wrong before I figured out right, it's a freeing process and has taught me a lot about learning to let myself and the choices I make to just be what they are. It's taught me how to forgive myself and not be bound in guilt, it's allowed me to accept things for what they are and then move on.
